Although it seems like you are treating the horse and bringing it joy it could be short lived for the animal. It can be anything at all that the pony or horse is not used to eating, even new-feed is introduced in tiny amounts until their guts get used to it, even Carrots and Apples can kill a pony. Poppy went on to say: “The fastest way to kill any equine is a nice big meal of something new, even a new-feed from the merchant. They go through unimaginable hell and this often results in a slow, agonising death.”

They often roll to try and alleviate the pain. Poppy explained: “When a horse gets Colic they experience agonising discomfort. Horses unlike us cannot burp or vomit, this means gasses can build very quickly within their gut, this can cause Colic or “twisted gut”. Poppy, who has owned over four hundred horses over the years knows a thing or two about the subject and this is where I learned of Colic and its devastating effects.Ĭolic is a condition which causes gasses to build up in a horses digestive system. The first person to respond to my questions was Poppy Russell, as it happens, Poppy herself had sadly lost her own pony Squeak just days before, in just the same way…strangers feeding him. What came back left me moved and more importantly, educated. I am not a horsey person so-to-speak and could not understand why this pony had died simply from being fed, what food could have killed it? So I asked the question, half expecting a barrage of negative replies. My boy is dead because you believed that you didn’t have to read the signs that say Do Not Feed the Horses.”

Lightning is dead, because of your lovely Sunday-Walk to feed the horses.